Wouldn't hurt to look into talking to a lawyer about an ADA claim. Just see what they say.
new manager named rod came in at wal-mart this week monday.
today he got a call from marsh's office building asking for business references and apparently that pissed him off.
i had dropped off a resume at the marsh office building around 1 1/2 weeks ago or so... he called me into his office via one of the customer service manager (csm) who asked me to follow her.
Wouldn't hurt to look into talking to a lawyer about an ADA claim. Just see what they say.
if you were to describe your temperment, would you say that you are a pretty tough person or a crybaby?
do you wear your heart on your sleeve and tend to be emotional, or do you let things just bounce off of you?
I consider you tough just being able to SAY "US ARMY Survival Evasion Resistence & Escape School" in one breath! My gawd!
why not put all the perverts names who abuse kids in all the newspapers.that way everyone will know who they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most states have a central sex offender registry online. Some of them are more informative, others only have a few details. You can access whatever registries are online at:
These registries were put online after the passing of Megan's law.
Hope this helps.
if you were to describe your temperment, would you say that you are a pretty tough person or a crybaby?
do you wear your heart on your sleeve and tend to be emotional, or do you let things just bounce off of you?
I'm a big ole titty-baby, too. Epecially when it comes to animals being hurt, or children being tormented. I cry whenever I see dolphins and whales swimming cuz they are so danged gorgeous. However, on the other hand, I can stand to read true crime books. Go figure!
I have been through childbirth, no meds, so I guess that could qualify me to be tough.. heehh.
i quit smoking 3 days ago.
it was not as difficult as i thought it was going to be.
i have tried to break the habit before but always gave up, thinking that i was hopelessly addicted.
The tobacco plant "Nicotania" is a very beautiful plant, and it's flowers have a wonderful smell in the evenings! Lots of folks grow it just for these properties alone. Amazing how stinky it is when we smoke it.. hehheh. I have thought about giving up smoking, and actually did for a week once.. but it's just so hard that I almost cringe when I think of it. I have, however, thought about trying to do it with the patches. We shall see..
well, i put up a valiant struggle, but katie finally dragged me onto the plane on our way to las vegas for our wedding.. .
we got to our hotel (the flamingo), and as we walked into our room we saw the message light flashing on the phone.
" it was room service, said they had something for us, would we be in the room for the next hour?
Congratulations you two! <dangles from chandelier and throws rice on the beaming couple>
Thanks for posting the great pix! May you have many wonderful years with each other!
we can't be with lin in person for her big day but we can use her as an exuse to have a little fun *grin*.
every day until her big day i'm going to post a bridal shower game/activity .
-if i can find enough-lol- .
<raises hand> Right Cheer Adonai! I was spyin on ya.
<----- does that smiley face have a black eye or is that a monocle?
at first when we joined, we all choose a user name that would identify us.
we also had the choice of puting a picture next to our user name.
often, some change the picture for a better one.
I picked Country Girl cuz I am the size of a country and a girl. <grin> Naw.. I just live in the boonies. CG
who has heard of the illuminati?
and the secret plans they have to rule the world?
geeesh...does anyone believe this?
Either they exist, or someone needs a nice stay in the facility for the mentally challenged (politically correct term for looney bin).
Personally, I think they'd rather steal her electronics than put holes in her unawares!
perusing the insight books years ago it occured to me how many names of bible charactors seemed prophetic.
that is, their name matched to the story they appeared in.
"achan" for example means "bringer of trouble" and sure enough he was.
I dunno... I always thought Bill Cozbi was kinda voluptuous. <wink>